Chipotle is still a terrific value proposition because restaurant prices have inflated so dramatically over the past few years. The ability to purchase a very filling meal for $10-12 that has quality ingredients and can be customized while the customer watches is a terrific deal in 2024 compared to other options. I eat out rarely, usually only in unplanned situations, and when I do, I always am on the lookout for a Chipotle as the "least bad" option in terms of health and financial impact.

(Incidentally, I do like small mom & pop Mexican places, but I hesitate to go into a new one that I'm not familiar with. Despite the e coli scandal, or perhaps because of it, I have more trust in Chipotle in terms of avoiding illness, especially when I'm traveling and the cost of getting an intestinal illness would be ... very high).

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Very good point, and I too tend to think of these places as the "least bad" option compared to the likes of McDonald's, Shake Shack, etc.

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Feb 19Liked by Conor Mac

Actually, it does matter what anecdotal feedback has to say about Chipotle. $10 for a vegetarian burrito is outrageous given the inexpensive ingredients, even in the inflated price world we live in. I can find something acceptable as a replacement for far less at any number of other QSR chains. I have talked to others who feel the same way and will not buy from Chipotle. If Chipotle continues with the unreasonable price increases, they can expect business to fall off considerably despite what the charts, statistics and Wall Street soothsayers say today.

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This is the anecdotal evidence I am hearing too, but it's not amounted to much. For years I have heard the same thing about Starbucks; "It tastes like char, it's over priced", etc. Not saying you are wrong, this feedback doesn't exist, or that it won't amount to issues for Chipotle. But it could just be a vocal minority.


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