An Advisor and His Client
A portfolio in distress and why some individuals may benefit from a financial advisor
I was reading the Investor’s Chronicle1 last weekend and came across an article titled ‘How do I grow my £118,000 portfolio and retire early?’. I usually skip the financial planning & education segment of this publication, but found myself second-glancing at the piece because of the bemusing composition of the individual’s portfolio. Investors tend to exhibit a level of financial ethnocentrism when it comes to discussing how others ought to invest their money. Those who approach matters with a rational mindset understand the folly of such a narrow view; there are many roads to Rome. There is a spectrum of behaviour amongst individual investors. This spectrum does not represent a linear progression from “wrong” to “right”; it's a range of distinct yet interconnected states, where each point embodies a unique set of characteristics and values.
On one point of the spectrum, we find investors who Yolo into derivatives on momentum stocks, lose everything2, and lament the market as being rigg…