There Has Never Been a Better Time to Open an ISA for UK Residents
The UK Autumn Budget Seeks to Make Those With the Broadest Shoulders Carry the Economy via a Proposed £55 billion in Spending Cuts and Tax Hikes
As I sit at my desk this morning, which is situated behind a window that looks out onto Edinburgh’s cobbled streets, I can see the pattering of rain as it falls into puddles which were formed earlier in the day. I look up at the sky and it is grey. In fact, the entire city, as it usually does this time of year, has an unremarkable grey hue. The landscape that I view before me in the early hours of this Friday invokes a remarkably similar feeling to that which I get when thinking about the UK’s economy.
The issue of how to manage the UK Government’s gaping fiscal hole has been a hot topic this year. Although we can’t physically see this hole, it is rumoured to be as large as £50 to £70 billion. In September, the right honourable Liz Truss squelched her feet into the boots of her predecessor, Boris Johnson, and became the latest Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. She was tasked with tackling the worsening economic condition of the nation. Just 50 days, and one terrible budget, later,…