Neglected Aspects of Investing
Aspects of investing that often go unsaid and underappreciated
Underappreciated Aspects of Investing
The investment world is a field littered with variance in opinion; that’s what makes a market. I’ve written in the past about the difficulties in capturing nuance; we can’t carry a placard on our foreheads that details our “what and why” so investors often talk over one another without appreciating how the other side’s perspective is formed. There are no “right” answers in this business, there is no single “best practice”, and the needs of one investor may differ entirely from another. Yet, much of the discourse between investors involves the projection of one narrow view of the world onto another’s narrow view. There are many things that go unsaid and as a result, come to be underappreciated.
I recently asked you all what aspects of investing you feel are the most underappreciated and have combined a few of them with my own. You may read some of these and think “Hey, I appreciate this every day”. That’s great. If any of these are obvious to you, t…